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Thursday, September 10, 2009

History vs. Writing

The thing in common between Writing and History in my thoughts is that Writing was invented so long ago that it's history. Also, people back then had to write down their explorations and their adventures or no one would know about them. So i guess you can look at that if we didn't have writing we wouldn't have history but then again, if we didn't have any history until this day then we wouldn't know how to write. It's kind of like the saying "What came first, The chicken or the egg?" Both subjects have so much to learn about them. In history, there is so much of it. Every fifty to one-hundred years, more history is made. In writing there is so much to learn as well. There's so many catagories to put writing in, and the catagories just seem to get smaller from there.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Writing is hard to talk about in a just a blog. There is so much that goes into good writing and and a good paper. It's kind of like pie (pi, or however you spell it) in math. There is always something new to learn or to understand. In writing, everything has to be write or it's ALL wrong. For example, Mr. Motley could find 10+ things wrong with this blog. Writing can also have a postive side though, it gives you a chance to express yourself. It gives you an opportunity to tell what's on your mind. You can make up the weirdest things to write about, you can write about non-fiction, or you can blog because your teacher gave you an assignment (that'd be this writing). Writing can also be a passage way into your head for others. By you putting your thoughts on paper (internet) that gives others a chance to see what kind of person you are.

P.S. i hope you got a good impression from this writing if you don't know me!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Landon Graves. Nice to see you in the water again. how's your fin coming?" "Oh, i almost have a full tail. Thanks for asking" Landon replies. Landon has been a marine biologist for the past 10 years. He likes marine wildlife so much that he's spent so much time in the water that he started growinng a fin and gills when he was in water. Dr. Turner was his assistant who would check on him to make sure he's doing ok. Landon works down at the North-Atlantic aquatic Conservatory (N-MAC). Landon Graves has especially liked Sharks throughout the years. He would spend time in the sharks tank, and would report their feeding habits and such. The sharks seemed to like Landon. They wouldn't bite him, or anything. They would play with him like they were dolphins. When Landon wasn't working at N-MAC he was out in the ocean on his house-boat. He would fish for food, and swim for fun. One day when he was swimming in the shark tank, an aggresive male shark came up and bit him on his rump. The shark bit his entire back-side! They had to rush him into the hospital. After three hours of surgery, the doctor came outside the E.R. and said, "the verdict is that he is never going to be able to swim again. he lost feeling to both legs. His rear was able to be put back together with plastic surgery." Landon still wanted to work in the N-MAC even though he was in a wheelchair. One day, two interns who had heard all this great stuff about him, except his accident, came up to him to ask him what happened. After he told them, they started laughing and Jessie, one of the interns, says"I think you can swim" "ya let's see it!" Buster, the other intern says. Landion pleaded for them to stop but they didn't listen. They pushed him in the tank. he slowly sunk. They watched below as Landon disappeared in the murky water. They both were leaning over the ledge waiting for Landon to re-appear. They saw this figure starting to emerge, but the figure looked larger than Landon. As the water started to become more clear, it looked like a shark figure and it was coming straight for them. They tried to move but they didn't have a chance. The shark jumped into the air and swallowed them both whole. No one could ever find Landon's remains. Although, there was another un-accounted for shark.